#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Published On: June 2020

The Future of Education And Learning

Photo by Changbok Ko on Unsplash Education is the key to learning various aspects of life and different career options. It enables the development of skills. There have been different way to learn in order to enable individuals with wider thoughts and options from career point of view. Many prefer the traditional way of education by enrolling in schools/universities to acquire certificate/degree/diploma after fulfilling required criteria. On other hand few also prefer to learn everything on their own from different sources whether it is library, internet or attending different events, workshops and conferences. This may not lead to a formal certificate/degree/diploma, but the goal for such learners is not credentials. Whichever path one takes, it always leads to same goal: Education and Learning. In the last decade, there has been […]

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The Data-Driven Approach Towards Semiconductor Manufacturing

Photo by Vishnu Mohanan on Unsplash THE GROWTH OF DATA IN THE SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING The growth of digitization has led to the generation of massive amounts of data on day to day basis. The data explosion has pushed several industries to adapt to data-driven analysis and decision-making processes. The same is true for the semiconductor industry. Data was always an integral part of semiconductor design and manufacturing. The need for data has increased further due to the cost and risk involved in designing products that are becoming smaller and smarter. The cost to fabricate semiconductor products is high and that is why during the design phases innovative simulations/modeling approaches are used to validate product design against specification before sending the final design files to the semiconductor fabrication houses. The risk of not spending time to collect and review

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DataCare Is HealthCare

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash HealthCare has always been data-driven. Doctors always evaluate patients based on pointers like temperature, heart rate, and past health history that might have contributed to patient’s health. There are many critical data points that the human body generates every second. Each of these data points if captured correctly can allow physicians to diagnose better, and can also alert the patient and the hospitals about deteriorating health conditions by predicting based on data points from the human body. Health Data Points Human Body Generates The human body itself can alone provide many data points that can aid diagnosis at the source. At the top level, there are ten key major points: Skin, Urine, Saliva, Sweat, Blood, Breath, Balance, Heartbeat, Movement, Brainwaves, and Temperature. Each of these data

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Data Enabled End-To-End Manufacturing

Photo by Laurel and Michael Evans on Unsplash Industry 1.0 was all about the transfer of manufacturing from humans to machines. Industry 2.0 increased productivity by using technology-enabled information and faster transfer of goods. With Industry 3.0, computers took over machines and allowed efficient manufacturing compared to Industry 2.0. Today, we are in Industry 4.0. This is all about data gathering at each stage of end-to-end manufacturing to allow the right product at the right place at the right time with minimal waste and downtime. In order to fully achieve Industry 4.0, there is a need to understand how efficiency can be achieved, and to do so one has to look at each stage from a data point of view. Without capturing data information at every stage of manufacturing, it is difficult to

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PCBWay – Smart PCB Prototyping And Manufacturing

Photo by PCBWay Developing an electronic product requires a lot of iteration. A hardware electronic device has to go through a detailed design process which is followed by numerous prototyping and evaluation. It is often a time-consuming and cost-intensive process. Not all the development processes happen in the house. The majority of the companies do in house designing and then rely on trusted partners to manufacture prototypes and later on the scale based on the outcome. It is critical to understand how one can design and where one can manufacture. MAJOR STEPS IN HARDWARE DEVELOPMENT There are two major steps before the hardware product hits the market: Designing and Prototyping Designing a hardware product for consumers requires a dedicated team that can provide proof of concept using different tools. After the

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