#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Published On: December 2020

The Rise Of Semiconductor Powered XPU

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash THE NEED FOR SEMICONDUCTOR POWERED XPU Every software application eventually has to get executed on a hardware system. Whether the software application is running on a smartphone or a data center, the data processing request has to get decoded (binary instructions) before the hardware system can process the request successfully. This seamless exchange of processes between software and hardware forms the base for a computer system. Software form factor, user interface, and the speed might have changed over the years. However, the need to have a processing unit that can execute all the software code has not. Over the last two decades, the de-facto processing unit – the Central Processing Unit (CPU) – has seen several semiconductor and computer architecture backed technological advancement, that has taken computing to the […]

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The Semiconductor Industry Is Driving The Automotive Industry

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash THE NEED FOR SEMICONDUCTORS IN AUTOMOTIVE The automotive industry is going through a significant transformation. Countries all over the world are pressing for greener and eco-friendly vehicles. Government policies are getting stricter and demand vehicular technologies that require smarter software and hardware. The de-facto transformation is towards electric vehicles. However, other vehicular technologies (hybrid, autonomous, and alternate-fuel) are also driving the change in the automotive industry, and all this is pushing automotive companies to innovate. To keep up with the smart and safe automotive features, the share of software and hardware in automotive is increasing tremendously, thus leading to new automotive technology companies are also emerging. The emerging automotive companies work in collaboration with the established automotive companies or are launching their own smarter electric, hybrid, autonomous, and alternate-fuel automotive products. One

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The Heterogeneous Integration Is Pushing The Semiconductor Industry

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash THE GROWING NEED FOR HETEROGENEITY IN SEMICONDUCTOR The computing world today is all about processing data in real-time. Developers expect their code to compile in milliseconds. Consumers expect applications to respond with zero-delay. All of this requires a seamless communication of different computing components is a must, mainly the software (code) and the hardware (chip) is required. The computing world pitched against the human brain. The ultimate goal is to outperform the human brain’s ability to sense, think, and act. While computers are outpacing humans, the desire for the silicon brain is still ongoing. To eventually mimic the human brain’s capabilities (mainly – sense, think, and act) demands much more computational speed and optimization than available today. To reduce the time to run the compiled code on the chip has pushed both the

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The Race For AI Semiconductor Chips

Photo by david latorre romero on Unsplash THE NEED FOR AI SEMICONDUCTOR CHIPS Multi-Core Processor (MCP) or Chip Multi-Processor (CMP) revolutionized the computing industry. MCP/CMP came up with advanced execution and parallelism techniques. Software took the opportunity provided by the multiple processors fused into the single System-On-A-Chip (SoC). MCP also provided the advantage of Out-of-Order Execution (OoOE), instructions-level parallelism (ILP), thread-level parallelism (TLP), and interleaved Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT), and allowed multiple applications to run on the same processor or multiple cores in the same SoC. Soon, the Single Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream (SISD) evolved into Multiple Instruction Streams, Multiple Data Streams (MIMD). MIMD gave a new experience to the data-intensive applications in the post-internet era. The semiconductor and computing industry took advantage of MCP for over a decade by

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The Need For Semiconductor As A Service

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash THE SEMICONDUCTOR AS A SERVICE The software industry has adapted to the demand of business and consumers by changing the licensing and product delivery model over the last three decades. The post-1990 saw standalone one-time fee-based software with no incremental feature updates except security-related and termed as the pay and use model. Then post-2000, with the proliferation of the internet, the software license model moved to pay over month/year and also came with features and security updates. The software industry termed it as Software-As-A-Service Model. Post-2010, the software industry adapted to the changing business and applied the licensing model from software to platform, which came not only with features and security updates for the software itself but also the platform the software will run on. It

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