#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Published On: March 2021

The Cloud Is Changing Semiconductor Industry

Photo by Kvistholt Photography on Unsplash THE IMPACT OF CLOUD IN SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY In the high-tech industry, software plays a crucial role. The ability to manage the task with a click of a button has a profound effect on different day-to-day activities. Software-driven digitization is also a key enabler in achieving productivity, which in turn allows companies/industries to capture the market worldwide. Over the last few decades, the software delivery model has evolved. From desktop to browser to smartphone apps to cloud, the different software delivery models have increased productivity. Industries worldwide have realized the potential of software-driven solutions and have rightly adopted strategies to maximize software deployment via the cloud. The same is true for the semiconductor industry. An advanced industry like semiconductor, where a single mistake can amount […]

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The Pillars Of Semiconductor Industry

Photo by Tanner Boriack on Unsplash THE IMPORTANCE OF PILLARS IN THE SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY There are numerous industries worldwide catering to different markets. Company from a specific industry will rarely provide all end-to-end in-house solutions to develop products. Almost all of the companies within a given industry rely heavily on different segments (from the same industry) to achieve the goal of producing high-quality products for their target customers. The same fundamentals are valid for the semiconductor industry. Without the support environment, the product will not meet the high-quality customer’s expectations. More so, when the silicon chip can be used for numerous types of applications anywhere in the world. That is why quality and reliability need to be above par. To satisfy customer requirements, different types of support systems are needed.

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The Role Of Root Cause Analysis In Semiconductor Manufacturing

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash THE IMPACT OF SEMICONDUCTOR ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Delivering high-grade products is the ultimate goal of every manufacturer. To do so, different industry-specific standards and processes are used. The same applies to the semiconductor manufacturing industry. In semiconductors, as the technology-node shrinks, the cost to manufacture tiny silicon increases too. To ensure there is no waste of materials, time, and cost, several different strategies are deployed to screen the part before it moves ahead in the fabrication/manufacturing line. One such strategy is root cause analysis. It so often happens, that the product being developed might encounter an issue during the qualification, testing, or packaging stage. Does not matter where the failure occurs, it is critical to understand the root cause. For an industry like semiconductor

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The Ever Changing Semiconductor FET

Photo by Carlos Irineu da Costa on Unsplash THE IMPORTANCE OF SEMICONDUCTOR FET Cells are the building blocks of life. Similarly, transistors are the building blocks of the semiconductor industry. In the computing world, transistors lay the foundation for any type of processing solution. Transistor performs the basic function of toggling between HIGH (ONE/TRUE) and LOW (ZERO/FALSE) state. Such basic function when performed by zillions of transistors together, drives several technological solutions from car safety to wireless data/voice transmission. The need to make compact computer-powered solutions has pushed the development around the transistors over the last four decades. These development have been both on the design and the manufacturing side. Transistors used in semiconductors are often called FET – Field-Effect Transistors. The function performed by FETs is the same as

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