#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Published On: May 2022

The Impact Of Lithography On Semiconductor FAB

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash More than 50% of the semiconductor FAB (fabrication) cost is due to equipment and tools. Any given FAB has hundred different types of these, and without the required tools and equipment, the FAB cannot work efficiently. One piece of equipment that drives the semiconductor fabrication process forward is lithography. There are several aspects of semiconductor fabrication that has driven by lithography equipment. Yield and defect are two such examples from the technical point of view. It is the primary reason why semiconductor fabrication focuses a lot on which type of lithography technology to deploy. Eventually, products with low yields and high defect rates will not be market-qualified. Yield: Lithography equipment plays a vital part in achieving the required target process yield. Defect: Defect free […]

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The Semiconductor Race Between SPU and TPU

Photo by Lukas on Unsplash Processors are an integral part of any computing device. For the last few years, the importance of providing efficient and high-performance processors has only grown over the decade. It has thus shifted the design and manufacturing aspect of processing units, thus enabling the transition towards specialized processing units apart from focusing on traditional processor units. Traditional Processing Units (TPU) have been around for decades and have successfully catered to the general-purpose processing market like laptops, desktops, edge devices, and servers. TPU thus has made a long-lasting impact that has shaped different types of solutions and will continue to do so for years to come. SPU – Specialized Processing Units – Designed and manufactured to handle specific data processing task. TPU – Traditional Processing Units – Designed and manufactured for the general-purpose

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The Bottlenecks For Semiconductor Silicon Brain

Photo by Daniel Pantu on Unsplash The race to create computer architecture that mimics the human brain has led to the creation of neuromorphic architectures, and there is not a single computer architecture-focused semiconductor company that has not launched neuro-inspired silicon chips. However, creating a very large-scale neuromorphic XPU is not only complex but also costly. The applications are limited and do not justify the business case. On top, there are technical and business bottlenecks that do not favor mass-market neuro-inspired chips. Design: Brain-inspired silicon design is complex, and design methodologies are not suitable for neuro-inspired XPUs for the mass market. Manufacturing: Yield and cost are big bottlenecks that are stopping the mass production of neuro-inspired XPUs. The fundamental bottlenecks for a mass-market neuro XPU is design complexity coupled with manufacturing

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The Semiconductor Journey Ahead

Photo by Emma Francis on Unsplash The semiconductor industry is going through one of the most exciting phases. Worldwide the demand for semiconductor-powered products is increasing and driving very high silicon demand that the semiconductor industry has never seen before. It has also re-ignited the debate to build more semiconductor design and manufacturing capacity, which in the long run is going to empower the semiconductor businesses and will increase the market reach. The spike in semiconductor demand also means that the industry will touch the trillion-dollar market. The path the semiconductor industry took to reach half of it has taken several decades, and in a very short time, it is set to grow by 50%. It showcases how the last few years have fueled the demand, and there is no

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The Semiconductor And AI Adoption

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven by Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) has found its way into several industrial and consumer products. There is not a single high-tech solution that is not getting pitched as being AI-powered. AI also requires a silicon platform that can enable the training of a vast set of data apart to form accurate predictions using models. It will not be wrong to say that AI adoption is dependent on how efficient and error-free the silicon platform is. Market: AI-focused market is growing consistently and demands silicon that can enable faster decision making. Demand: AI-driven solutions create the need for silicon that require advanced semiconductor technologies. In 2022, there are already several AI-driven solutions utilizing the semiconductor capability to capture the market.

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