#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Published On: November 2022

The Semiconductor Market And Impact

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash The semiconductor market has always followed the seesaw mode. With a seesaw, there are time intervals when the market has high demand followed by low demand. This trend impacts the semiconductor in different possible ways, and one of them is the long-term product development strategy. There is no easy way to control such a trend. The semiconductor industry should be pre-prepared and adapt based on the market feedback. It requires a mitigation plan, which should not impact product development and manufacturing. Market: Semiconductor Market Is Always In Seesaw Mode. Impact: Market Seesaw Impacts Long-Term Projections. The semiconductor market seesaw raises questions about whether a focused market approach is good or bad. Mainly for those semiconductor companies that are only catering to a specific market. […]

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The Always Increasing Semiconductor Speed

Photo by Farai Gandiya on Unsplash Semiconductor speed is dependent on performance characteristics. These characteristics define the operating states and how fast or slow the silicon-based system will operate. Over the last five decades, the semiconductor speed has only increased exponentially. Consider the example of the CPU core. Today, the latest generation CPU has a clock speed of 4.3 GHz, which executes 4.3 billion cycles per second. Such performance is a crucial factor in the development of widely deployed advanced and complex applications. Speed: Silicon Speed Is Vital In Driving Different Types Of Use Cases. Impact: Operating Features Are Key In Enabling New Types Of Semiconductor Products. Semiconductor speed is dependent on several factors. The chip architects have to consider different technical scenarios and create a design scheme that will

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The Balancing Act Of Semiconductor FAB And OSAT

Photo by Christophe Hautier on Unsplash Semiconductor manufacturing relies heavily on the semiconductor FAB and OSAT. Semiconductor FAB turns the design into fabricated wafers. On another side, OSATs convert fabricated wafers into finished goods. End customers to develop consumer and enterprise solutions using the finished goods. Semiconductor FAB and OSAT are so critical that any bottleneck can directly impact the semiconductor supply chain. It was already evident from the semiconductor shortage, which did impact all the industries that rely on it. FAB: The Capacity Of Semiconductor FABs Is Slowly But Surely Increasing To Meet The Demand. OSAT: Managing Capacity To Drive Back End Process Of Semiconductor Is Crucial. Such significant dependency and impact are the primary reason FABs and OSATs need a balanced capacity that provides options to different customers

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The Time Critical Semiconductor Supply

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash The semiconductor supply chain ensures that the fabricated, assembled, and the tested product reaches customers on time. Achieving this goal requires eliminating all the bottlenecks that might impact the supply process. The standard process to mitigate bottlenecks is to capture the end-to-end supply chain requirements and then proactively fill the gaps. However, the better approach is to capture the supply time and ensure there are no time gaps. Inventory Time: How Long The Existing Supply Will Last. Reload Time: How Long Before The Supply Can Be Restored. In semiconductor supply, there are two ways to look at time: Inventory Time and Reload Time. The former provides a view of how long the inventory will last and later provides details about how much time it will

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