#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Published On: December 2022

The Call To Balance The Semiconductor Nodes

Photo by Maxence Pira on Unsplash The semiconductor node is the most vital technical topic in the semiconductor industry. Technology node forms the basis for developing different types of silicon products. Over the last decade, top semiconductor manufacturers have invested a lot of time and capital to bring new semiconductor technology nodes. Such push is due to two critical aspects. The first one is technical, as it focuses on bringing new advanced solutions to the market. The second one is more business-oriented, where the manufacturers bring new capacity to manage future demand. Focus: Semiconductor Companies Consistently Focus On New Node Technology. Planning: Semiconductor Node Development Demands Capacity Planning. Eventually, the demand for a specific technology node is due to the market and application use cases. However, even with all the […]

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The Global Shift In Semiconductor Ecosystem

Photo by Maxence Pira on Unsplash The semiconductor ecosystem comprises distributed end-to-end semiconductor processes. These processes cover a different aspects of silicon development. It ranges from the market requirement, then moves to design, validation and if all goes as planned, then eventually mass manufacturing. However, these steps are not guaranteed to be performed by a specific location or region. It is where the semiconductor ecosystem comes into the picture. Global: Semiconductor Industry Is Adopting To The Changing Global Scenarios. Shift: Different Types Of Government Policies Are Shifting The Semiconductor Industry Process. In semiconductors, product development is dependent on different parts of the world. Given the recent shift in investment, planning, policies, and talent, this ecosystem is going through a tectonic shift that will have positive and negative consequences on future

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The Constant Rise Of Semiconductor FPGA

Photo by Maxence Pira on Unsplash Adaptive, specialized, and the balance of power and performance have become a central point for designing different types of efficient processing units. To help with this vision, FPGAs have become an integral part. Mainly due to the features FPGA architecture provides. Currently, the market size of FPGA is approximately ten billion dollars. As the demand for real-time adaptive silicon increases, this market will grow tenfold. All this is opening up opportunities for XPU-focused semiconductor companies to leverage the FPGA-demanding market. Flexibility: FPGA Brings Flexibility To The Processing Units. Assistance: Drives New Ways To Process Compute And Memory Intensive Workloads. FPGAs are accompanying devices that reside next to the core processing unit and thus processing. It enables offloading features that provide flexibility XPUs in load

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The Semiconductor Data And Future Implications

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash Data has become more relevant than ever for semiconductor product development. More so when the applications of silicon devices are increasing year after year and touching every aspect of day-to-day life. As the semiconductor data complexity increase This increase in the importance of semiconductor data has pushed companies to invest in the resources required to drive data collection at every step of product development. The primary focus is to capture and analyze data to deliver high-quality products. Application: Application Types Are Increasing The Complexity Of Semiconductor Data. Analysis: The Cost Of Semiconductor Data Analysis Is Increasing With The Increasing Complexity. The increase in application and use cases of silicon devices also demands new equipment and tools that deliver the correct data. Even though several

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