#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Work From Anywhere

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

There is no denying that COVID-19 is testing businesses based on how prepared they were to enable employees to Work From Anywhere. One of the key factors that drives Work From Anywhere culture is the resources an employee gets that allows him/her to be as productive (in many cases more productive than working from the office space) and connected as one would be when working from an office.

Sure, there are companies whose business type doesn’t allow Work From Anywhere. For example warehouse management, restaurants, grocery stores and many more. But the major test for these types of businesses going forward is to adopt a business model that is more geared towards remote management that minimizes human interaction (without eliminating human jobs) and without sacrificing profitability.

Businesses that can allow employees to Work From Anywhere also need to provide the right tools. Those who work at the software and hardware domain already have access to many tools and must have also observed that 90-95% of the tools they use can also be accessed from anywhere.

The post-COVID-19 world is going to be slightly different. It might just give free hand to employees as to whether:

  • They want to work a day shift
  • They want to work a night shift
  • They want to work any shift from anywhere

If the answer is any shift from anywhere, then one also needs the right tools all the time. These tools are a combination of software, hardware, and connectivity. Software and hardware are provided to employees by default in by any company that encourages Work From Anywhere. Also, if one looks at the way of working in software and hardware domains then most of the tools are at the remote locations that can be easily accessed with the click of a button.

Below is the list of a few things that I believe every (not just high-tech companies that can afford)
business needs to provide their employees with:


This is 101 if companies want their employees to Work From Anywhere. Without the right hardware with enough computing resources, it will be meaningless to expect employees to be productive. Given how affordable many of the smart devices are, this should not be a big issue for many companies. For many whose, companies by default provide laptops to work with might take it for granted by considering that same is applicable for other companies too. But given that providing hard assets to 1000+ employees also require a dedicated IT team to manage, it makes it more difficult for many companies to let everyone have such take home assets. This raises the need for affordable asset management. It is not that all employees should get laptops. If the work responsibility is different, then companies can move from laptops to pads to smartphones. It all boils down to what hardware resources are right for the job the employee is expected to do.


Right hardware also needs the right software. If you are in hardware designing, you need the right software that is mainly living on the remote server. If you are in software development, you need the right IDE to work that and it may or may not need remote execution. If you are working in customer support, you need telecommunication tools. For doctors, they need patient management and diagnosis tools. For the restaurant business, it can be efficient delivery of goods.


Whether the resources the employee is accessing requires VPN or not, by default VPN should be a must and that also means need for robust internet connection. This enables secure connection and minimizes the risk of hacking. As of today, it seems many employees are paying out of the pocket of connecting the tools to start Work From Anywhere, but it seems like paid healthcare future employees may also demand Paid Connectivity as a requirement in their offers.

For those who work in the tech industry all this seems like “we are already used to this”, but one thing many people don’t understand is when millions of people lose their job due to the pandemic, it also raises the question about how many of these millions of people can work remotely and still be an asset to the company.

In the end it is all about right people working anywhere with the right tools.


A few days ago, I had to get my account details with the internet provider updated. To do so, I called the customer support and a lady answered my call. 5 minutes into the call while she was in the middle of taking care of my request, I heard the background voice of a baby crying. The lady promptly apologized for it and I was quick to tell her that I understand.

This made me think strongly: Has it always been that customer support employees were Working From Anywhere OR it is just COVID-19 that has made more and more people work remotely OR is it just that this particular employee signed up with the internet provider for remote assistance service due to lack of resources during COVID-19? Something to wonder about.

It all sounds like a cliché, but this is how it’s going to be in post-COVID-19 world: Work From Anywhere.

Chetan Arvind Patil

Chetan Arvind Patil

                Hi, I am Chetan Arvind Patil (chay-tun – how to pronounce), a semiconductor professional whose job is turning data into products for the semiconductor industry that powers billions of devices around the world. And while I like what I do, I also enjoy biking, working on few ideas, apart from writing, and talking about interesting developments in hardware, software, semiconductor and technology.




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Opinions expressed here are my own and may not reflect those of others. Unless I am quoting someone, they are just my own views.


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