#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Category: RACING

The Semiconductor Powered Formula 1

Photo by gustavo Campos on Unsplash 73rd Formula One World Championship has started. Ten teams and twenty drivers will compete for the next ten months by running high-speed cars across twenty-two different types of racing circuits located in several parts of the world. The team with consistent results, flawless drivers,

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Chetan Arvind Patil

Chetan Arvind Patil

                Hi, I am Chetan Arvind Patil (chay-tun – how to pronounce), a semiconductor professional whose job is turning data into products for the semiconductor industry that powers billions of devices around the world. And while I like what I do, I also enjoy biking, working on few ideas, apart from writing, and talking about interesting developments in hardware, software, semiconductor and technology.




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Opinions expressed here are my own and may not reflect those of others. Unless I am quoting someone, they are just my own views.


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