#chetanpatil – Chetan Arvind Patil

Category: WIRELESS

The Drones Are Flying

Photo by asoggetti on Unsplash DRONE Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have been in use since 1849. Several countries around the world have invested in massive research and development activities to make use of UAV for surveillance activities by the armed forces. All the military-grade UAVs are distinctly complex and wide-body machines. In

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The Hearables

Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash THE HEARABLES The hearables are the smart technology-enabled over-the-ear or in-the-ear devices that are mainly used for music listening. The natural language assistant has equipped the hearables with the ability to talk. These smart assistant can interactively talk to the user using the inbuilt speakers, and

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V2X – Vehicle To Everything

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash Over the last half-century, vehicles have played an important role in everyone’s life. It has enabled point-to-point commute a faster and an efficient process. Whether one is traveling on a public bus or a private car, each of these vehicle types play a very crucial

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The Wireless Charging World

Photo by Lucian Alexe on Unsplash The major reason smart devices, mainly smartphones, are immensely useful is due to the portability they provide with the help of the battery management system. This allows consumers to make use of the device without direct supply for an extended period. Even though every new

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5G And Wi-Fi 6 Will Transform Digital Life

Photo by Thimo Pedersen on Unsplash The next decade is going to be all about enhanced digital experience built on top of the most advanced wireless data communications technologies ever: 5G and Wi-Fi 6. These two wireless technologies are not only going to increases the data throughput but also provide much better connectivity

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Chetan Arvind Patil

Chetan Arvind Patil

                Hi, I am Chetan Arvind Patil (chay-tun – how to pronounce), a semiconductor professional whose job is turning data into products for the semiconductor industry that powers billions of devices around the world. And while I like what I do, I also enjoy biking, working on few ideas, apart from writing, and talking about interesting developments in hardware, software, semiconductor and technology.




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In other words, share generously but provide attribution.


Opinions expressed here are my own and may not reflect those of others. Unless I am quoting someone, they are just my own views.


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